Paudin RT5 5-teiliges Küchenmesserset

Regulärer Preis $59.00 USD

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  • 【Messer aus Edelstahl mit hohem Kohlenstoffgehalt】: Das Küchenmesserset besteht aus Edelstahl 5Cr17Mov mit hohem Kohlenstoffgehalt und einer Härte von bis zu 56+. Dieser legierte Stahl ist sehr hart, beständig gegen Abrieb und behält seine Form. Jede einzelne Klinge wird von Hand auf 13–17° pro Seite poliert. Beibehaltung der perfekten Balance zwischen ultradünnem Schneiden und maximaler Widerstandsfähigkeit für reibungsloses Schneiden.
  • Leicht zu reinigen und daher wartungsarm

    Lässt sich leicht nachschärfen, um eine rasiermesserähnliche Schneide zu erhalten

    Nicht in die Spülmaschine geben

    Nicht als Dosenöffner oder Schraubenzieher verwenden

    Vorsichtig handhaben und außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren

Comfort:The blade is integrated with a soft and comfortable handle, creating the perfect grip. The handle was designed in a way to prevent any symptoms of hand fatigue during extended periods of work.

Balance: The ergonomic shape enables the right balance between the handle and the thin blade, ensuring safe and effortless use.

Ideal for slicing and dicing fish and meat, chopping herbs, and cutting vegetables

Cleans easily for low maintenance

Easy to re-sharpen back to a razor-like edge

Do not place in dishwasher

Do not use as a can opener or screwdriver

Handle with care and store away from children

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Larry Hillis
Beautiful and SHARP!

I've had the knives for about a month and I'm so glad I found them during a recent search to replace my older knives.

These are beautiful brushed stainless steel. They have a unique handle that allows them to fit into my in-drawer knife holder without over crowding each other.

They are SHARP! It has been a pleasure using these every day because they are sharp and make quick work of my kitchen work.

Time will tell about durability but I expect them to last the rest of my life. I never put my knives in the dishwasher; instead a hand wash them and dry them immediately. That may sound like a chore to some folks but your knives really deserve that kind of love.

I highly recommend these knives. In fact I plan to gift a set to my nephew and his bride for their upcoming wedding.